“Egora” is a contraction of “electronic” and “agora”. “Agora” is an ancient Greek term meaning “gathering place”. For the ancient Greeks the agora of a town served as the center of public life, where people could socialize, do business, and hold discussions. Egora follows in that ancient Greek spirit, but its main function is to enable a new form of democratic organization, one that is rational, efficient, and incorruptible – i.e. Intelligent Democracy.
To explain it most briefly, Egora enables everyone to
- develop their own political philosophy out of various ideas,
- determine which ideas are most strongly supported by the people,
- organize meetings to examine and deliberate any ideas, and
- use a simple algorithm to find the true representatives of the public will.
However, Intelligent Democracy would not be possible without a community that is dedicated to using reason to make sense out of a chaos. Thus, Egora is actually the home of the International Logic Party (ILP), and we have built Egora to organize ourselves. We want philosophers to have the advantage over demagogues in politics, and Egora makes our mission possible. But you do not have to be a member of the ILP to use Egora. We want democracy to be available to everyone, and we invite you to use Egora to develop and express your philosophy regardless of your affiliations. Furthermore, because Egora technology is so versatile, it is possible for any other community to use Egora to democratically organize themselves too.
Lastly, Egora is free to use and protected by Copyleft. If you are dissatisfied with this Egora, you can create your own version of it, and you can use the code of this Egora to start. Egora welcomes all competition. May the best ideas win!
In our sophisticated society with a complex economy we recognize that, while we must incentivize people to be productive members of our society, the value of the contributions of some members to society cannot easily be gauged by their activity in the market (for example...
Section 1.
Justice is the friendship of strangers.
Section 2.
The focus of the criminal justice system shall be on rehabilitation—especially through education, life-coaching, and job training—rather than on punishment. Those who cannot...
Section 1.
Voting is not a simple nor self-evident process. In fact, there are various voting systems (plurality, approval, ranked-choice, range, Condorcet, etc.), and they can produce very different results. Some systems can even deteriorate the dynamics of democracy...
Section 1.
In our sophisticated society with a complex economy we recognize that, while we must incentivize people to be productive members of our...
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Planet Earth belongs to all of its inhabitants equally. The only natural sense of land ownership beyond that is owning...
The implementation of this goal should primarily revolve around making the process of adoption...
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Medical care is not an ordinary good in the marketplace. The reasons for this fact are numerous. Mainly, what sets medical care apart is that the greatest costs...
In order to realize certain values and goals that we hold in common (or compromise to tolerate) in our society—which, for whatever reason, are not best realized through free participation in a market economy—we give our governing bodies the right to levy certain taxes upon...
First, we need to vote out all politicians standing in the way of gun control measures. Their argument that gun violence is a mental health issue, not a gun issue, is not valid. There are people with mental...
Section 1.
All people have the right to life and pursuit of their own happiness, as long as they do not actively deprive others of the same.
Section 2.
All people have the right to select partners of their own preference...
Around the world there are many oppressive regimes that violate the basic standards for a decent human life:
- freedom of bodily autonomy
- freedom of sexuality,
- freedom of gender,
- freedom of philosophy,
- freedom of...
In order to reduce the destructive impact of our society on the environment and to enhance the stability of both our society and the environment, we must make immediate efforts to switch the vast majority of our energy infrastructure (at least civilian)...
Section 1.
Voting is not a simple nor self-evident process. In fact, there are various voting systems (plurality, approval...
In order to reduce the destructive impact of our society on the environment and to enhance the stability of both our society and the environment, we must make immediate efforts to switch the vast majority of our energy infrastructure (at least civilian)...
Section 1.
Very few people [1] who are prostitutes actually want to be prostitutes. Most people do not do it because they love this kind of work but because they are driven...
Section 1.
Voting is not a simple nor self-evident process. In fact, there are various voting systems (plurality, approval...
No person should ever be coerced into serving in the armed forces of any country, and a military draft should be considered as unacceptable according to our ethical standards. Therefore, if a country is under attack and must defend...
Section 1.
While basic education is that which is minimally necessary for a person to be a moderately functioning citizen and worker in our complex society, we recognize that higher education yields even greater benefits, both to the...
I love this idea, I agree it's far...
Lottocratic Branch
-24 single-issue legislatures, each consisting of 300 randomly chosen citizens who serve one-year terms.
This would operate much like a jury (fairly paid), in which all decision-makers...
Section 1.
Reality is a fundamentally mysterious duality between the realm of [subjective] experience (a.k.a. consciousness) and the realm of physics (time, space, matter, and energy)...
Section 1.
Reality is a fundamentally mysterious duality between the realm of [subjective] experience (also called consciousness) and the realm of physics (time, space, matter, and...
Lois Digges
Feminist activists claim that, compared to men, women make 77 cents on the dollar. If data is controlled for occupation, industry, hours, experience, age, education, and marital status, a wage...
1.) All men and women are created equal.
Therefore, everyone is equal, and any right given to -- or rule taken...
Reason 1 - parents are not experts- they improvise they make mistakes. Currently focus is on government teaching people how to physically help...
Lois Digges Jurewicz
Ownership of guns and similarly dangerous arms should be illegal except in the following cases:
1) Membership in a well-regulated state militia (as ensured in the US Constitution).
2) Membership in a branch of the U.S. military.
Many traditional societies still practice gathering and hunting as a way to supplement their diets. It can be the case that government and corporate control of land can interfere with these practices. It also be the case that "food deserts" and corporate dominance of...
Section 1.
Reality is a fundamentally mysterious duality between the realm of [subjective] experience (aka consciousness) and the realm of physics (time, space, matter, and energy)...
Section 1.
The market system is the only method for a society to relate the value of goods that make life possible, such as food, to goods that make life enjoyable, such as art, in a way that is fair to the preferences of everyone...
George Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and James Madison wrote the document that formed the model for the Constitution of the United States.
When judges hear cases or Congress debates legislative bills they seek advice from the original constitutional...
In order to realize certain values and goals that we hold in common (or compromise to tolerate) in our society—which, for whatever reason, are not best realized through free participation in a market economy—we give our governing bodies the right to levy certain taxes...
Section 1.
The amount of money (minted cash, a.k.a. M-0) provided by a government to an economy shall be an amount that is fixed to the size of the population. Should the size of the population significantly increase or decrease, the amount...
We should teach Esperanto in schools as the global language for the human species. Firstly, for the obvious reasons of being an almost universally easy language to learn with only three tenses, changing only a vowel to change a tense. Esperanto has an...
Lois Digges
Although the federally-imposed minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, the majority of states have a minimum wage above this. Minimum wages range greatly: from none in five states, to $5.15...
Abortion of a pregnancy is the right of the pregnancy-carrier––even after the time when the developing organism can reasonably be deemed a person––until the time of birth or delivery. As troubling as this position may be to those who are concerned for the...