Idea: Preview
The first impediment to the remediation and reversal of Global Warming remains to be the rapid addition of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and other greenhouse gasses, into the atmosphere. Also, the overspill of gas and oil into ecosystems poses an international threat, to humans and other species.
We must recognize that the primary sink, which consumes the majority of oil and gas, is the US Military. Our military accounts for ~60% of fossil fuel consumption in the nation (See verified study below) . With Commercial Transportation making up around 30%, Thus, passenger vehicles are less than 10% of fossil fuel combustion.
So, no great leaps will be made through the limitation on private, vehicular consumption. Steps toward greater advancement shall include a limit on the American Military, which its leaders have committed to vast, undeclared warzones, in which it is "currently engaged in more than 80 countries in counterterror operations" (Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, And The Costs of War; Crawford (Boston U.); June 2019; pub. by The Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs, Brown University).
Also, we can reform the system of commercial shipping, for our various foods and other products, traveling great distances. And that, in so doing, we might have to give up the benefit of the exploitation of cheap labor, internationally, for the fair trade of the revitalization of American manufacturing, artistry and agriculture. Of course, this poses a very unforgiving problem, and may only allow for partial solutions, based on, and responsive to, the reality of limited-optimization results.
However, if the Commercial Shipping problem proves to only afford a partial shift in the current modes of operation, decreasing Military spending would address the necessary shift in paradigm.
We can refer to studies, which show that the Military makes up for ~11% of national budget spending (An estimation, calculated from table values. The sum of Military spending – when leaving out other spendings like veteran aid and support, and CIA, NSA costs – only falls below those of Social Security and Medicare). Plus, operational budgets account for half of the discretionary budget spending (not sure if this fully includes every CIA operation and NSA requirement. The CIA budget is classified, for one). Indeed, the Government has borrowed money to pay for its wars, runs a deficit of around 1-3 trillion, or about 16% of GDP (projected to decrease), possesses a mass of debt that equals around 30 - 40 trillion ~ 100% of GDP, and gives subsidies to the oil and gas industry – for future exploration, and buffering the industry against unforeseen shocks. These shocks are less reported among wind, solar and hydro-electricity, contrary to what Donald Trump would have you believe.
Attacking the problem necessitates aggressive, legislative action for America to take control of its debt and invest in the future's populations, human and animal, who will benefit greatly from not having a muffler cracking and popping its brain cell deletion song.
The first impediment to the remediation and reversal of Global Warming remains to be the rapid addition of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and other greenhouse gasses, into the atmosphere. Also, the overspill of gas and oil into ecosystems poses an international threat, to humans and other species.
We must recognize that the primary sink, which consumes the majority of oil and gas, is the US Military. Our military accounts for ~60% of fossil fuel consumption in the nation (See verified study below) . With Commercial Transportation making up around 30%, Thus, passenger vehicles are less than 10% of fossil fuel combustion.
So, no great leaps will be made through the limitation on private, vehicular consumption. Steps toward greater advancement shall include a limit on the American Military, which its leaders have committed to vast, undeclared warzones, in which it is "currently engaged in more than 80 countries in counterterror operations" (Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, And The Costs of War; Crawford (Boston U.); June 2019; pub. by The Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs, Brown University).
Also, we can reform the system of commercial shipping, for our various foods and other products, traveling great distances. And that, in so doing, we might have to give up the benefit of the exploitation of cheap labor, internationally, for the fair trade of the revitalization of American manufacturing, artistry and agriculture. Of course, this poses a very unforgiving problem, and may only allow for partial solutions, based on, and responsive to, the reality of limited-optimization results.
However, if the Commercial Shipping problem proves to only afford a partial shift in the current modes of operation, decreasing Military spending would address the necessary shift in paradigm.
We can refer to studies, which show that the Military makes up for ~11% of national budget spending (An estimation, calculated from table values. The sum of Military spending – when leaving out other spendings like veteran aid and support, and CIA, NSA costs – only falls below those of Social Security and Medicare). Plus, operational budgets account for half of the discretionary budget spending (not sure if this fully includes every CIA operation and NSA requirement. The CIA budget is classified, for one). Indeed, the Government has borrowed money to pay for its wars, runs a deficit of around 1-3 trillion, or about 16% of GDP (projected to decrease), possesses a mass of debt that equals around 30 - 40 trillion ~ 100% of GDP, and gives subsidies to the oil and gas industry – for future exploration, and buffering the industry against unforeseen shocks. These shocks are less reported among wind, solar and hydro-electricity, contrary to what Donald Trump would have you believe.
Attacking the problem necessitates aggressive, legislative action for America to take control of its debt and invest in the future's populations, human and animal, who will benefit greatly from not having a muffler cracking and popping its brain cell deletion song.
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– develop their own political philosophy out of various ideas,
– determine which ideas are most strongly supported by the people, and
– find the true representatives of the public will, to elect them into public office.