Idea: Preview
Addiction is not a criminal issue, it’s a medical one. And although illicit drug use has been labeled as “self-medicating” — that it’s simply an escape from the obvious, morally-superior choice of pharmaceuticals — some people’s only palliative remains to be the drug(s) of their personal choosing.
Marijuana is legal in some states. Alcohol has come under increased scrutiny as an unsafe/destructive substance out of the many.
I propose that all drugs be legal, every last one, and we let people decide for themselves — instead of being influenced to do drugs which are cool simply because they’re rebellious. On the subject, the DARE program of the past only managed to introduce kids to drugs at an even earlier age, making them more familiar with intoxicants, which they were now more likely to take.
Additionally, no significant taxes may be levied on drugs, which would again give preference to black markets, and further restrict access of patients to their medicine/fuel/work/happiness that they chose on their own.
Also worth adding: I heard a politician in Amsterdam comment, “The reason we don’t have a crack problem is, we build a wall between the young and crack. That wall is called Hash.” So, I add as an option that Hash be available at reduced prices or totally free. I can assure you; anyone seeking to get high out of their goddamn mind — to the max — can do so in the wakeful throes of one of thos, if you don't knows, dos terrible hash trips.
And that, I believe, is the right note on which to end. Thank you.
Marijuana is legal in some states. Alcohol has come under increased scrutiny as an unsafe/destructive substance out of the many.
I propose that all drugs be legal, every last one, and we let people decide for themselves — instead of being influenced to do drugs which are cool simply because they’re rebellious. On the subject, the DARE program of the past only managed to introduce kids to drugs at an even earlier age, making them more familiar with intoxicants, which they were now more likely to take.
Additionally, no significant taxes may be levied on drugs, which would again give preference to black markets, and further restrict access of patients to their medicine/fuel/work/happiness that they chose on their own.
Also worth adding: I heard a politician in Amsterdam comment, “The reason we don’t have a crack problem is, we build a wall between the young and crack. That wall is called Hash.” So, I add as an option that Hash be available at reduced prices or totally free. I can assure you; anyone seeking to get high out of their goddamn mind — to the max — can do so in the wakeful throes of one of thos, if you don't knows, dos terrible hash trips.
And that, I believe, is the right note on which to end. Thank you.
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– develop their own political philosophy out of various ideas,
– determine which ideas are most strongly supported by the people, and
– find the true representatives of the public will, to elect them into public office.